Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today i had to add more coolant to the '94 Buick that my parents gave me to drive around with up here. i also checked the oil. After having done it, i felt that i was brimming with masculinity. if a deer had run by at that very moment that i closed the hood, i probably would've been so high on testosterone that i would've killed it with a windshield wiper and cooked it right there on the engine... Seriously though, i know nothing about cars and it can be a smidge embarrassing. Like one time i was taking the ACT at another high school and my '87 Corolla (now referred to as 'bucket 1' by my family) was not starting up so i found this girl with jumper cables. she hooked them to her big, intimidating 4 wheel drive vehicle than handed them to me. i took them, held them in my hands like a sign that says "i'm not man enough to figure this out.", looked at my engine, her, than the engine again, than i just kinda held them out to her. I forget if she kinda laughed it off or pulled a dress out of her car for me to wear while she hooked up the cables, but she got it done. needless to say, i'm pretty excited i can fill my coolant, check my oil and various other things.

though i still don't know which one the red cable goes on. positive?

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