Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So BYU pulled out all the grit and determination it was capable of and beat Oklahoma, who was then ranked third. We had a huge party where we stuffed everyone we know into our room and screamed and watched it together. As only the most epic of games must be, BYU ended it with an 8 minute, 90 yard drive to win it all. We flooded into the streets with a couple hundred other students and chanted and sang and than someone brought speakers to make it a dance party.

I don't think it would be outrageous to call it the best day of my life. In fact, it was. I will probably lie through my teeth on my wedding day, because deep down i will know that the day BYU beat Oklahoma was probably a little bit better.

In other news, my classes are excellent. Though i have a hunch one of my spanish professors is crazy. He may or may not have condoned human sacrifice on the second day of class. It should be interesting.

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